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C# Beginner's Kingdom
Introduction (4:32)
Bootcamp - Prerequisites
Prerequisites (4:20)
First Program - Hello World (4:49)
Play first learn later - First simple game in C#
Your First Simple Game (14:14)
The Castle of C# - Programming Overview
A Programming Overview - The Castle of C# (7:30)
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy - Programming Basics in C# - Selection Instructions
Programming Basics by C# (0:50)
Keywords + Selection Instructions (6:20)
SwitchCase-Statements (3:14)
Iteration Instructions - For Loop (3:00)
ForEachLoop - Loot a Treasure Chest (2:55)
WhileLoop - Loot until there is no more gold (3:39)
DoWhileLoop - Double proof looting (2:58)
Jumping Instructions Return + Debugger Preview (5:46)
Jumping Instructions Break - Fighting (1:57)
Jumping Instructions Continue - Only Epics please! (4:00)
Jumping Instructions GOTO - Freeze your program (3:47)
Datatypes and Variables (18:54)
Classes - The Treasury was robbed! (9:36)
Functions (14:00)
Operators 1 - Hotting & Dotting (13:01)
Operators 2 & Access Modifiers - Total War Warlords & Battalions (8:41)
If-Statements 2.0 - GTA & Diablo Hitpoints (11:57)
SwitchCase 2.0 - Cast Random Magic Spell (4:07)
Loops 2.0 - ForLoop - Battle Log (6:41)
WhileLoop 2.0 - Loading Bar (4:44)
DoWhileLoop 2.0 - Health Bar (3:57)
Statics - Diablo 3 Stash (12:02)
Your first own game in C# - Graduation Exercise
Graduation Exercise Intro (4:22)
!!!SOLUTION!!! Graduation Exercise Flowchart (3:08)
!!!SOLUTION!!! Gandolon Revisited Abstract class diagram (5:06)
!!!SOLUTION!!! Gandolon Revisited Coding the game (16:42)
Thank you & get more! **..egg**
Thank You & I Love You! (1:54)
!!!SOLUTION!!! Gandolon Revisited Abstract class diagram
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