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C# Advanced Explained by Game Mechanics
Welcome To The Course & Introduction
Introduction & Table of content (2:22)
Your Journey - The Map (0:52)
Agenda + Enums (2:17)
Enums - Apprentice Merlin (4:13)
Enums - Apples (1:07)
Structs (3:04)
Structs - Diablo (7:55)
Structs - AirLineDistanceCalculator (4:59)
Namespaces (1:48)
Namespaces - Rendering (3:23)
The Glory Majesty of C#
Agenda + Classes V2.0 (5:20)
Inheritance - Fantasy Game (6:36)
Inheritance - Birds (6:21)
Polymorphism (8:02)
Polymorphism - Killing Enemies (2:48)
Polymorphism - Army of Knights (8:07)
Polymorphism - Bank Accounts (7:16)
Generics (2:46)
Generics - World of Warcraft - CharacterCreation (10:23)
Generics - Inventory (9:06)
LINQ - Inventory (10:22)
LINQ - Bank Accounts (6:23)
Dictionaries - Inventory Reloaded (10:09)
Dictionaries - BankAccount Reloaded (6:21)
The Chivalry - Specials of C#
Agenda + Interfaces (4:08)
Interfaces - Printer (5:42)
Interfaces - Age of Empires - Pathfinding (8:36)
Delegates (3:45)
Delegates Calculator (5:49)
Delegates - DOTA - Highscore calculator (7:18)
Events (3:16)
Events - Michael Jackson - MailAccount (9:41)
Events - Age of Empires 2 - TroopRecruiting (5:25)
AnonymousFunctions (2:44)
AnonymousFunctions - Pokemon - DealDamage (6:53)
Lambda Expressions (2:56)
LambdaExpressions - InventoryReloaded (7:13)
The Treasury
Intro (0:48)
No more Switch case (1:04)
AvoidSwitchCase - YU-GI-OH trading card game (9:19)
AvoidSwitchCase - PokerDeck Validation (6:43)
Try Catch Finally (3:40)
TryCatchFinally - Server (4:52)
Graduation Exercise
Intro + Gandolon Intro (2:15)
Gandolon ReRevisited Flowchart (2:32)
Gandolon - ReRevisited Class Diagram (UML) (3:26)
Gandolon - ReRevisited Coding the Exercise (16:45)
BlackJack - Intro (1:06)
BlackJack - with the Devil Flowchart (2:25)
BlackJack - with the Devil Class Diagram (5:26)
BlackJack - with the Devil Coding the Exercise (30:33)
Thank you & I love you!
Thank you & I love you! (2:01)
Enums - Apples
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